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Do you have a Super Power?

Here at Hedgerow Media we specialise in increasing your business's visibility. 

How do we do it?

We have super powers!


We are creatives; story tellers, photographers, videographers and designers. We create compelling visual content, communicate extraordinary stories; putting your dream in front of your ideal client and inspiring them to take action and use your business. 

Why are we different?

woman and nature, stiperstones, shropshire, web design, commercial photography, model photography,

The truth is....... we are all human. 

We are authentic in our ability to think creatively. We see the world differently. A world of opportunity and vibrancy, where each colour inspires a feeling or represents an experience, where light is transient and can create mood and trigger emotions. A world where movement can promote action or rest and composition can encourage the viewers eye to travel exactly as you wish around imagery and videography. 

We understand how punctuation can create flow, speed or halt progression and how to use emotive words to encourage your clients to consider needs and discover how your business's values resonate with their own. 

So how can we help you?

We offer web design, graphic design, videography, photography, copywriting and social media management. 

These are offered in three core packages but also independantly as one off bookable services. 

We love working with businesses in the pet industry, rural businesses, and businesses within the conservation or sustainability space.

 Why not send us a message to discover how our superpowers can bring your dream to your customer?

puffins, two puffins on skomer, skomer puffins, wildlife photography, puffins, commercial photography, business photography

But, wait! Before you go! 

We like to do really good things too! 

Hedgerow media was born out of a love for nature, wildlife, the countryside and the natural world. We love to help charities within the rural and conservation sector communicate their values and promote their projects and causes and we do this in collaboration with the businesses who take up our services. If you share our values and would like to support some of our work get in touch!

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